Kubernetes related projects, mostly using Go and services from Azure, AWS, GCP.
Key Achievements:
Key Achievements:
Key Achievements:
Key Achievements:
Key Achievements:
Nutri - nutrient insights from your grocery receipt
featured on HN frontpage with more than 6k users. Upload your grocery receipts for food tips to enhance your diet for lacking nutrients.
Security-first app for a NGO
a platform to share incident data across organizations based on report matches. The library developed to build the platform was open-sourced and is on GitHub. A presentation of the platform was shown at the OC3 conference.
a native desktop app that searches through different sources (local file system, browser, Readwise, Instapaper and my personal CRM - people).
a progressive web app with offline support to add notes about people I care about.
team lead at the Techlabs Web Dev Track where we built a meal planner app with recommendations based on ML.
built on the RustFi hackathon based on the actor model for executing various trading strategies on Binance
PoC for a Function as a Service (FaaS) platform
running Python in a serverless environment
Post-processing library for physics simulations
a new high-level library to conveniently analyze and visualize CFD simulation results binding to C++.