Adrian Stobbe


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2 minutes (529 words)
Table of contents

Me in 2 minutes

This is about me and my interests. I hope it can help to trigger interesting conversations :)


Valencia, Spain


Software engineer at Edgeless.Systems. Mostly contributing to Constellation.

My interests



My freetime

🧑‍💻 Exploring web technologies: Svelte, Flutter, TailwindCSS

🇫🇷 Learning my 4th foreign language

🎸 Learning my first instrument: Ukulele



I’m a minimalist

I believe that few is more and don’t attach to objects emotionally. I want to be able to move my belongings in one big suitcase. Much beyond what I need feels like a burden to me. I appreciate presents for their gesture and less for their value. I love the Chinese saying 礼轻情意重: small present, but big affection. So the best presents for me are most likely those that I can use up and are not expensive :)

I’m an introvert

I enjoy being with and getting to know new people, but after a while I need some time alone again to recharge. That’s why I am not into hanging out all day, but prefer occasional, intentional gatherings where I can be fully present. I choose talking one-on-one over groups.

Critique > compliments

I think that there is more to learn from constructive critique and don’t feel attacked by it. I don’t refer to shouting complaints during a quarrel, but rather to tactful words of concern to make us aware of our weaknesses. This type of critique is rare, because it requires courage, intimacy, and tactfulness. Moreover, they are never uttered out of courtesy (as opposed to compliments). Of course, compliments are nice to hear, but flatter me with critique please :)

Personalities are fluid

Just like water, I want to shape my personality according to the current circumstances and values, oblivious of the past. I don’t stick to past traits just because that’s how people know me. Yesterday I was shy, polite and cold. Now, I want to be frank, direct, affectionate and seek encounters with new people. Tomorrow, I will be different.